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Buy 5 EasyPak Containers, Get 15% OFF with code "BUY5"

Alaska Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Regulations

Quick Facts:

  • Due to mercury concerns, recycling fluorescent bulbs is highly recommended by the Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation and is required for many facilities throughout the state
  • Crushing fluorescent bulbs is allowed in Alaska

Recycling Options Available in Alaska:


Crushes fluorescent lamps of any size while removing mercury vapors. Reduces labor, recycling costs, and storage vs. packing lamps

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Questions about recycling in your state? Contact us for more information. 


State Regulatory Contacts

Primary Contact Title Agency Address Phone E-Mail
Diane Richardson Environmental Protection Specialist

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10

222 W. 7th Anchorage, AK 99513

(907) 271-6329
Secondary Contact Title Phone Area of Responsibility
  U.S. EPA, Region 10 (206) 553-1200  

More Resources

Web Links and Informational Resources
State of Alaska > DEC > Division of Air Quality
State-specific Universal Waste Regulations

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"No more challenges with fluorescent bulb and mercury recycling. We use the EasyPak recycling program and it is very simple and convenient for us."

Jim Slager, Homer School District 33-C

"It’s easy to work with TerraCycle Regulated Waste. Their personnel are very friendly and knowledgeable about their products and the availability of them."

Alice Johnson, Eastern Ship Building

"I am very satisfied with all the services TCRW performs. They do what they say they are going to do, and they are here when they are scheduled to be here, and their paperwork is easy. Their representative is very helpful and informative about all phases of service."

Hector Rodriguez, Mission CISD

"Excellent value for the money. The Bulb Eater® has immediately helped us reduce lamp storage and create a safer storage environment, while allowing us to add another item to our waste reduction efforts in the City of Auburn."

André Richardson Environmental Services, Auburn, AL