Company Information:
EPA ID# TNR-000-003-137
Since 1996 NLR has operated a facility in Johnson City, Tennessee, for the commercial recycling of mercury-containing lamps (fluorescent, metal halide, high pressure sodium, etc.) and other hazardous post-consumer products. NLR now operates four facilities in Tennessee, one in Kennesaw, GA, and Burlington, NC, which are integrally engaged in such recycling operations.
NLR accepts and manages only materials for which legitimate recycling technologies and markets exist, and is helping in the development of these technologies and markets. NLR maintains records of each shipment of recyclable materials that are received, processed, and sent off-site, and can readily "track" a customer's recyclables via a unique Bill of Lading number.
NLR is committed to protecting its customers from the liabilities of potentially improper management of the recyclable materials it handles, and its employees from the physical and chemical hazards that may be associated with such materials. It is NLR's goal to maintain an excellent working relationship with the Tennessee Division of Solid Waste Management and other environmental regulatory agencies with jurisdiction - their guidance is welcome and their assistance is frequently sought. To protect its employees and its neighbors, NLR has developed and implements a Health and Safety Plan and a Contingency Plan.
Insurance certificates for TerraCycle Regulated Waste and our recycling partners are available on request.